Fit Tip of the Week…Cranky Shoulders Try This

Shoulders can be cranky especially as we get older. After all, the joint is not a very stable joint structural and it take a lot of abuse over the years, especially if you were a throwing athlete in your younger years.

But just because your shoulders hurt when you press overhead doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot press overhead ever. Granted sometimes there may be something more going on and any overhead pressing can be counter productive.

Other times you need to get your shoulder joint more stable.

That’s where Bottom-Up Overhead Presses come in. By pressing using the Bottom-Up technique you increase the need for shoulder stability, engage the core, and squeeze the weight. All of which gets the body tighter and makes for a more stable shoulder joint while pressing.

Give the above variations a try.

If you can press without pain, you’re good to go. If you still have pain, there is something more going on and should see a medical professional and you need to avoid overhead pressing until your issue is fixed.

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