The Biohacks You’re Not Doing

By: Josh Proch, CSCS, Pn1

You’ve probably heard the term “Biohack” a lot lately in the media. If you’re not familiar with the term, it refers to, “the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal–cutting-edge technology, tools, and science–to become the best version of yourself.”

If you’ve ever taken a multi-vitamin before you’ve have even done this before. While most people aren’t talking about a multi-vitamin as a biohack and are more focused on the latest science and research, there are three very simple biohacks that get overlooked.

1. Sleep.

Getting 7-9 hours per night and you will change how your body functions. Hormone function improves, metabolic function improves, cognitive function improves, nutritional choices improve along with a decreased craving for sugar, and your workout quality will improve.

2. Nutrition.

Yes, we really are what we eat and the food we eat can change our bodies for better or worse. Our food choices affect our gut bacteria biome, which in turn plays a role in everything from nutrient absorption, inflammation, and anxiety. A little known fact is that the majority of serotonin is produced in the gut, not the brain. Change your food and you change your body.

3. The Workout You Do.

All exercise is good for the body, but certain types can be more effective than others.

As you age your muscles lose their ability to produce explosive force and muscle tissue is lost at a greater rate, which is why strength training becomes more important as you get older.

How often should you be strength training? It will depend, but most people need 2-4 days per week depending on their goals, using a challenging weight for 8-12 reps. This is best achieved exercises that focus on the basic movement patterns like the deadlift, squat, pressing, pulling, and carrying.

Additionally, intense short burst activity can also change your cells function, by changing how the mitochondria function. What are mitochondria? They are what control energy production on a cellular level, aka your cells powerhouses. If you improve energy production ability, you improve metabolic function and the ability to produce explosive movements. Basically, by changing or improving how the mitochondria function you control how the body ages. This is why we like a three to five minute finisher at the end of each workout. By working hard for 10-30 seconds and then resting 30-60 seconds allows you to tap into this cellular powerhouse.

Eat right, sleep well, and workout smart and you’ll be on your way biohacking yourself to a better body.

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