By: Tammy Zubasic
One of the biggest misconceptions about joining a gym is believing you need to get in shape first before joining.
Over my career I’ve heard this so many times that it breaks my heart.
Because of social media, many people feel intimidated and self-conscious about walking into a gym. They envision a gym full of people who are 10% body fat and all decked out in sports bras, booty shorts and tank tops. When you are not feeling or looking your best, this is the last environment you want to step foot in.
There is no shortage of gorgeous people in terrific shape, scantily clad, filling up your social media feed and sharing insane exercises to showing off their new PR (personal record) or their washboard abs.
While I am not too proud to admit I always do feel a twinge of envy. After four kids, three of which are triplets, washboard abs are not something in my future. I always wonder what the purpose of this is. Yes you look amazing and I’m sure have worked very hard to get there, but let’s be honest genetics do come into play.
But what is the big picture here. I realize that some only may be doing this to impress you, while others may be doing this to try and impress upon you the fitness lifestyle and the benefits of fitness. But, this doesn’t help the mom, sitting at home in her sweats, who hates her body and how she looks, and will do anything to avoid putting on a bathing suit. Instead, it reinforces the message that she is not perfect and will never be perfect unless she looks like the person depicted in the picture.
This is not the norm in most gyms. Don’t get my wrong, there are a lot of very fit, gorgeous people in gyms, but they are there to better themselves and to motivate those who are new to the journey. They themselves may have even walked in 20, 30, 40+ pounds overweight and have worked very hard to better themselves. All while holding down a full time job, working long hours, supporting a family, and taking care of aging parents.
Don’t ever feel bad about yourself after seeing some of these pictures and post on social media, as a majority of them are “paid” models. It is their full time job to workout and look the way they do.
I even have had members suggest following some of these women to me on social media. I am always looking for new role models and experts in this industry to learn from. But many times these are just very fit, very beautiful, photo shopped models doing “cool” exercises. Many times they have no background in exercise science, personal training, nutrition, or any other qualifications to qualify them to help anyone; other than being blessed by great genes, eating incredibly clean, working out for hours a day, and getting paid for it. All of which is extremely unrealistic for most people.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not knocking these people. Good for them!! We just have to put things in perspective and understand that to get into that kind of shape is a full time job; one that most mothers, fathers, and “regular joes” do not have the time or money to pursue.
Pittsburgh North Fitness does not promise to make you perfect, but we do promise to make you wonderful not matter what size or shape you are or what your goal may be.
You do not have to get into shape before coming to the gym. We exist to help you get into shape to enable you to live your life to the fullest!!!
Start your fitness journey today: