Kettlebell Squat to Stand

A simple exercise to add some variety to your workouts.

A simple exercise to add some variety to your workouts.

Tired of doing the same old squats each and every workout? Give the Kettlebell Squat to Stand a try for some variety and let us know what yo think.

Crockpot Breakfast Casserole

Do you enjoy sleeping every last second you can get in the morning, but then find yourself with oo time for breakfast?

Prep and bake once with this “Crockpot Breakfast Casserole and have a healthy breakfast ready all week.

Click here for the recipe:

Cook once and enjoy a quick easy break all week!

Cook once and enjoy a quick easy break all week!

Mike S

mike_s“Pittsburgh North Fitness offered me a program of functional resistance training, sensible nutrition and the support and motivation that helped shed my excess weight fast. I have lost 42 pounds and am 5 pants sizes smaller than I was 5 months ago. The great thing is their program is also helping me to keep it off for good. Give PNF 30 days and see how they can change your life. They certainly have changed mine.”
– Micheal S.

Jackie S

img_0125I walked into Pittsburgh North Fitness in the Spring of 2012 knowing that I needed a change. Unhappy and unhealthy, I unsuccessfully tried several times to change my habits. 18 months, 50 pounds, and 4 dress sizes later I can say that I have been successful because of Pittsburgh North Fitness. I love starting my day lifting weights and challenging myself with the ever-changing workouts. I not only look forward to the workout, but also to seeing the other people I am training with. I feel like I am part of a community, not an anonymous gym-goer.

The coaches at Pittsburgh North Fitness seem to have an insight into what it really takes to live a healthy lifestyle. They are knowledgeable about training, nutrition, and making it work in the real world. I can’t thank them enough for how they have changed my life.
– Jackie S., member

Carol S

img_1999“When I joined PNF two years ago, I primarily joined to lose weight. What I didn’t expect was the increased confidence, improved health better eating habits and a different perspective on exercise for myself and my family. I have made many ‘gym’ friends, who along with the attentiveness of the PNF staff, help to encourage and challenge me each workout. And make it fun!”
– Carol S., member since 2014

Chris M

img_0758“Since joining PNF in 2012 I have lost three jean sizes and over twenty pounds an have kept it off. At 52 I’m in better shape than I was in my forties thanks to the dynamic and knowledgeable team of trainers at PNF…I have also made many good friends that I look forward to working out with and make each workout fun.”
Chris M., member since 2012