PNF Coach Kevin discusses two tips for common mistakes made on pressing and pulling movements that we see when coaching clients.
The first is on the pulling movement.
Due to poor posture from sitting, the shoulders tend to be rolled forward making it more difficult to pull the shoulder blades back. As a result, this causes many people to pull with their arm versus pulling through their back. Overtime this improper pulling motion can wreak havoc on the elbows and shoulders.
Instead, you want to pull through the shoulder blade by pulling it towards the middle of your back and then using the elbow to guide the weight back. In short, the movement should be started by the shoulder blade, not the elbow.
The second is on the press.
It is very common for clients to let the dumbbell collapse down on them and then to overreach on the press back up. Again, this will wreak the shoulders and elbows.
Instead, you want pack the shoulder down and focus on pulling the weight toward your body.
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