HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts are great for building endurance, specifically work capacity. But, these workouts can be very stressful on the body, which is why we like to keep them short and sweet with long rest periods. And limit them to only about twice per week in addition to our strength training.
HIIT is not 30:30, 30:15, or any of the other common times used. HIIT is done using at least 1:4 work to rest ratio and the entire workout lasts only 10-20 minutes. The goal is too work hard, but not beat yourself down so badly that you can’t give your next workout your all.
Here are six of our favorite HIIT Workouts for you to give a try.
#1. 1-Minute All Out Rower
How You Do It:
- 1 Minute All Out
- 4 Minutes of Rest
- Repeat for 4 rounds
#2. Battling Rope Slams
How Your Do It:
- 15 seconds off slams as fast as possible.
- 45 seconds of rest
- Repeat 10 times
#3. EMOM MB Slams
How You Do It:
- Set a timer to beep every minute for 10 minutes.
- Do 10 slams as fast as you can.
- Rest the reminder of the minute.
- Continue doing 10 slams every time the timer beeps and resting for the remainder of the minute for a total of 10 rounds.
#4. Sprints
How You Do It:
- Sprint 20-40 yards
- Rest 90-120 seconds, the longer the spring the longer the rest.
- Repeat 5-6 times.
#5. Sled Push
How You Do It:
- Push a lightly loaded sled 20 yards as fast as possible.
- Rest for 2 minutes.
- Repeat 5-6 times.
#6. Assault Bike Sprint
How You Do It:
- Sprint as fast as possible for 10 seconds.
- Rest for 50 seconds.
- Repeat 10 times.
We specialize in Fitness After 40! If you would like to learn more about us and see how fitness can change your life click the link below to learn more.