Winter Is Coming

By: Josh Proch, CSCS, Pn1

Yes, winter is coming, but unlike Game of Thrones you won’t need to worry about fighting off White-walkers. Instead, it will just take a little longer for your body to get warmed up before your workout.

To help loosen up those tight, stiff, cold muscles and joints we recommend something we call a “Pre-Warm-Up.” 

With the Pre-Warm-Up we recommend taking about five minutes before your actual warm-up and even before you foam roll, to do some light cardio. The goal here is just to get the body flowing, not burning a specific number of calories, getting a specific distance or heart-rate, we just want to get the blood flowing.

The best way to do this is using either the Treadmill or a Bike, but not an AirDyne Bike. Hop on a Treadmill set at about 3 mph and just walk for five minutes, or get on a bike set the resistance low and pedal around 70 RPMs for five minutes.

Then move on to your foam rolling and start your warm-up. Your body will much more loose and you workout will feel better.

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