Stop Those Sugar Cravings With This One Tip

When you are craving sugar, or carbs, it might be because your body needs more protein.

Protein provides the building blocks and energy for muscle and cell tissue growth and repair. So, if your body doesn’t have enough protein to do these processes it will be looking to get quick energy from somewhere else.

That quick energy will be carbs, aka sugar, and your body will then use it to breakdown muscle protein to complete the repair processes.

This is why our body needs protein and we need protein in our diet. But many people fall into one of two categories. Either not enough, or too much. Now, how much the body actually needs is a matter of opinion on who you ask and is a much-debated topic. However, a simple way to ensure you are getting enough is to eat at least 3-4 palm-sized servings each day for women, and 6-8 palm-sized servings for men.

Here are a few examples of how to get in your daily protein needs:

• 4-6 ounces of beef, pork, lamb, or chicken
• 6 ounces on fish
• A handful of nuts
• 1 scoop of whey protein or pea (vegan) protein
• 1 cup of legumes
• 2 whole eggs
• 1 cup of whole fat Greek Yogurt

So, the next time you find yourself cravings carbs, opt for some protein, it might be your body’s way of telling you that you need more.

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