Why Golfer’s Need To Lift

By: Josh Proch, CSCS, Pn1

Many golfer’s know that they need flexibility to play good golf and stay healthy. But, what many don’t know is that they also need strength for the same reasons.

​​​​​​​A common concern I hear from golfers is that they don’t want to lift because they don’t want to get muscle bound or hurt their back. With the right program we can still keep you flexible while adding strength and make your body more injury resistant.

Here are four reasons why golfers need strength training.

#1. Increase Power

If adding distance to your drives is a goal, then you need to lift. Power is generated by how fast your bodies muscles can contract and explode in a coordinated effort. So by peforming a Deadlift, Squat, or Kettlebell Swing you increase your hip strength and ability to produce power. When you train the core using exercises like a Side Plank or Medicine Ball Side Rotational Throw you are increasing the bodies ability to create rotational power and deceleration on the follow through. In short, the stronger your body is the more power you can produce.

#2. Improve Muscular Imbalances

If you are right handed when was the last time you swung left handed? Probably never, I mean why would you. Because golf is a highly repetitive, dominant side movement based sport it is very easy to develop muscular imbalances. 

While a slight imbalance is no big deal, a large imbalance can lead to injuries. This is where strength-training comes in by keeping the body balanced.

#3. Improve Functional Flexibilty

If your hips are tight, your butt is also probably weak. You can stretch your hips as much as you want, but until you address the weakness in your glute muscles the hips will stay tight. The same holds true for the upper body. Tight shoulders will stay tight until the back muscles are strengthen.

#4. Improved Health

One of the benefits of golf is that it is a life long game that can be played for your entire life. That is as long as you are healthy enough to keep playing. Strength is directly related to health. So, by adding two strength workouts per week to your routine you are automatically going to be healthier at every stage of life because you are staying strong.

Here is a sample workout that you can start doing today.


  • 1/2 Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Single Leg Glute Bridge
  • TRX Chest Stretch
  • TRX Rotational Lat Stretch
  • Bird Dog
  • Prisoner Squat
  • Lateral Lunge
  • MB Slam
  • Farmer’s Carry

Strength Circuit #1

  • Kettlebell Deadlift 3×8
  • Single Arm Overhead Press 3×8 each

Strength Circuit #2

  • Goblet Squat 3×8
  • TRX Row 3×8

Get strong, stay strong and play great golf!

Learn more about our Golf Fitness Program here…


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