Never diet again.

We don’t do diets. We do habits.

Here are 5 Habits that will never require you to diet again.

  1. Cut out the bread and pasta. These are both loaded with refined processed flour and will result in overeating empty calories due to an increased craving for more.
  1. Eat more veggies. We all could benefit from eating more veggies each day. Not only are they loaded with vitamins and nutrients their fiber will help you fill full longer with adding calories.
  1. Cut down your portions. Many times the food we eat is not bad, but the portions are too large. Try using a smaller plate. It will trick you into to thinking you are eating more because the plate will still appear full.
  1. Eat more lean protein. Protein not only get you feeling full, it also provides your body with the building blocks of muscle, which will boost your metabolism and increase your strength as your body adds muscle.
  1. Drink more water and less latte’s and soda. Drinking calories is the easiest way to gain weight. This is due to the ability to drink exuberant amounts of calories, primarily from sugar, in a very short period of time. Replace your daily soda, latte’s, juices, and sports drinks with good old plain water.

Eating healthy is a lifestyle change based around habits, not a quick crash diet.

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